Customer Testimonial

The moment I met Monique Walkes I knew I had found the real estate agent for me. It wasn’t time to buy a home yet but I kept her card where I could find it. She had personality, intelligence, kindness and seemed to be able to handle anything and anyone.
More than a year later I pulled out the card and called. We met and started looking for a home. She had all the personality traits I had observed in her and more. She asked all the right questions to find our home.
She never tried to push us into a home that was beyond our preferred budget, she always made herself available to us, she took time to explain any questions we had . She helped us to look at house after house, and we had so much fun looking with her.
Then we found the ONE. And she really went to work for us! Buying a home is a complicated process and she handled it so well. She was wonderful with the sellers agent, the inspector and the paperwork- so much paperwork! But most of all she was wonderful with us.
So a year later and we are happy in our new home and we owe it all to Monique.
Thank you Monique!

Customer Testimonial

If you are in search of an amazing realtor that will go above and beyond, Monique Walkes is your lady! We had every life event possible happening during the selling and closing of our home and she was right by our side the entire time helping. Monique had a person for anything and everything that popped up; She even offered to help with our son's high school graduation reception. We placed our trust in her and she more than delivered. We couldn't have asked for anyone better! Thanks, Mo for taking such good care of us.
#coldwellbankerrealty #banninglewisranch #coloradorealestate

Customer Testimonial

Great experience and great agent. Our house sold for more than we could have imagined, and it sold very quickly. Smooth transactions and no hiccups from listing to closing.